Erasmus+ Project
Let's promote active sport together: Youth Workers on
the field

"Let's promote active sport together: Youth Workers on the field" is a training course under the Key Action 1 of the Erasmus Plus Programme. Main aim is to provide a set of best practices and usable practical instruments to work with young people through methods based on sport, collected and developed during two years of research and work on international and local activities on sport values and education thanks our international projects and our experience in Cyprus. It also aims at providing a field of sharing and confrontation among organizations active in the field of education and sport from different perspectives and points of view.
The total budget of the activity is €21.387,00.
To reach this aim, we have planned a set of specific objectives, like follow:
• To offer a set of practical tools, manuals and best practices connected with youth work through sporting methods and sport-based learning.
• To empower youth workers to support youngsters in the development of valuable skills, knowledge and attitudes through sport activities;
• To provide ideas and innovative practices for the development of new instruments connected with sport, education and personal and professional development;
• To improve the number of people involved in sport educational activities, exploring the importance of efficient training for parents, teachers, coaches and youth workers;
• To give an overview of the existing policies and programmes on sport and education at local, national, European and international level;
• To develop a network of youth leaders working with sport-based learning methods to create new concerted strategies, projects and platforms for discussion.
“Let's promote active sport together: Youth Workers on the field” is a training course that wants to provide a set of best practices and usable practical instruments to work with young people through methods based on sport, collected and developed during two years of research and work on international and local activities on sport values and education.
The course, to be held in Larnaca, Cyprus, in April 2020, will involve 30 participants a trainer and a facilitator from 10 different European countries (Cyprus, Italy, Greece, Republic of North Macedonia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Poland, Latvia, Hungary and Slovakia). The participants are youth workers, youth leaders and coaches able to share their experience and tools developed within their contexts, adapt concepts and ideas for the youth they work with and develop new workshops and projects to be used in their communities.